Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Hacking Scandal: Ed Miliband's Face

Critic 7 must say, what a brilliant time it is to start a blog that addresses and scrutinizes current events and the surrounding debates and arguments. Critic 7 will be looking over these events with an eager eye, bringing you the sometimes harsh, grim and jagged truth about current issues and events, starting with this astonishing phone hacking scandal.

I mean, just look at the nasally challenged Ed Miliband's little puppy face in the House of Commons today. He was clearly flabbergasted by David Cameron and his explanation of the information given to him about the possibly morally absent Andy Coulson who may or may  not have inexplicably lied through his teeth to just about everyone who asked him whether he knew anything of any phone hacking.

The information given to him was, according to the Prime Minister, not actually given to him at all, but he did say that if the former News of the World Editor has lied, then he should jolly well be prosecuted (he didn't actually say the "jolly well" bit, but The Critic 7 can imagine it's something he regularly mutters to himself in times of frustration).

Mr Cameron also interestingly said he would work "doubly hard" to get to the bottom of the issue. "Doubly hard"? How about you work "triply" hard or "quadruply" hard to get to the bottom of it? Hey, why don't you skip all of the adverbs and just get straight to the bottom of it like a proper little detective like Poirot or someone?

Getting back to Mr Miliband's jaw dropped face, which probably resembles the metaphorical face of everyone in the nation when they hear that the News of The World hacked another innocent person who happens to be in the public eye because they have been a victim of an atrocious and amoral crime.

In fact, The Critic 7 would bet that if our metaphorical mouths on or metaphorical faces were to continue to drop each time we hear of another scandal inside this broad one of hacking, by the end of it all, our jaws will be broken and in a lot of pain - much like the victims of the hackers.

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